Hello Ray,
I can confirm your Kindle books are priced the same as you have chosen.
If you're browsing in the Kindle Store from a location outside of the United States, you may see a price higher than what you listed on the KDP website.
All items available in the Amazon.com Kindle Store are listed in U.S. dollars (USD). The availability and pricing of titles in global Kindle Stores may vary by home country or region, including taxes and other operating costs.
We understand and share your concern about prices, and we will continue our efforts to reduce costs and offer the best possible prices to customers in every region.
Thanks for using Amazon KDP.
So, it appears that the books are priced as I requested. Or put it another way, as I'm resident in the UK, I can't prove otherwise. Now I know I get a fair amount of traffic from the US whenever I post a blog. So here's my request - could anyone over there check out Skin on Amazon please? I have it listed at $3.99 on Amazon but according to this link:
it is priced at $6.42. What would be even better is if you could search Amazon directly (search Kindle Store>Ray Sullivan) in case the URL above implies the request has come from outside of the US, just to remove any arguments.
If someone could do this and post the findings on the blog or by emailing me at ray dot sullivan @ rocketmail dot com I would really appreciate it. There's a free copy of one of my eBooks (you choose) for the first person to let me know. Thanks.
I can be followed on Twitter too - @RayASullivan
or on Facebook - use raysullivan.novels@yahoo.com to find me
or on Facebook - use raysullivan.novels@yahoo.com to find me
To find out more about my ancestors visit my sister’s website http://sullivanfamilyhistory.angelfire.com/
Visit my books on Amazon (for Kindle owners) and Smashwords (for access to all other formats and access to Apple iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Sony, WH Smith, Kobo and many other good ebookstores.
Digital Life Form is available on Amazon.com in paperback for $7.99
The Last Simple is available on Amazon.com in paperback for $5.99Digital Life Form is available on Amazon.com in paperback for $7.99
The Journeymen is available for $8.99
Skin is available for $9.99
For quick access to the various Kindle, Kobo, WH Smith and Smashword links please use the table below to view my books.
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